Govt. of India


(Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India)

Trainee Database

S No Course Name Trainees
1 Training Programme on Environmental Health Disasters Risk Analysis & Planning (September 24-25, 2014) 58
2 Training Programme on Crowd Management IRS as a tool (December 3-5, 2014) 54
3 Training Programme on Integration of Civil Administration and the Agencies (June 4-6, 2015) 49
4 Training Programme on ecosystem Approach to DRR (May 2, 2014) 48
5 Training Programme on Crowd Management EOC at Nashik (January 20-22, 015) 48
6 IRS as a Tool for Crowd Management in Collaboration with YASHADA (May 20-22, 2014) 43
7 Training Programme on Flood Disaster Management (March 23-27, 2015) 43
8 Training Programme on Mass Casuality Management (May 26-27, 2014) 41
9 Training Programme on Disaster Management for the officials of Zoological Park (NZP) (November 21, 2014) 40
10 Training Programme on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (July 8-11, 2014) 38
11 TOT Programme on Basics of Disaster Management (February 9-13, 2015) 37
12 Training Programme on Comprehensive Landslide Management (July 21-25, 2014) 35
13 Training Programme on Indian Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) (January 28, 2015) 35
14 Training Programme on Basics of Disaster Management for NCC ANOs of Colleges (september 1-5, 2014) 34
15 TOT Programme in Disaster Management (July 14-18, 2014) 33
16 Training Programme on Impact of Natural Disasters on Wildlife and Mitigation Strategies (May 21-23, 2014) 33
17 Training Programme on Indian Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) (October 27-28, 2014) 33
18 Training Programme on Key Resource Persons on Disaster Management (July 22-24, 2014) 30
19 Training Programme on Community Based Disaster Risk Management (December 1-5, 2014) 30
20 Training Programme on Disaster Management for Civil Defence Officers (November 10-14, 2014) 29
21 ToT Programme on School Safety Risk Management for Teachers (January 28-30, 2015) 29
22 TOT Programme on Preparation and Implementation of Hospital Disater Management Plan (February 16-20, 2015) 29
23 Training Programme on Rapid Visual Survey and Retrofitting (June 2-6, 2014) 29
24 Training Programme on Role of Police in Disaster Management (August 26-28, 2014) 29
25 Training Programme on School Safety for Teachers (July 14-18, 2014) 28
26 TOT on IRS - Basic & Intermediate Course (July 21-25, 2014) 28
27 TOT on IRS- Logistic Section Chief Course (February 16-20, 2015) 27
28 Training Programme on Landslides Mitigation by Modern Techniques Including Bio-Engineering (August 27-29, 2014) 27
29 Training Programme on Formulation of District Disaster Management Plan (September 15-19, 2014) 27
30 Training Programme on Seismic Safety Assessment of Buildings by RVS (July 22-24, 2014) 27
31 Training Programme on Preparation of City Disaster Management Plan (June 25-27, 2014) 26
32 Training Programme on disaster Safe hill Area Development (September 8-12, 2015) 26
33 Training Programme on Drought Mitigation and Management (February 23-27, 2015) 26
34 Training Programme on Formulation of District Disaster Management Plan (February 18-20, 2015) 26
35 Training Programme on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (February 23-27, 2015) 26
36 Training Programme on Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) (December 22-24, 2014) 25
37 Refresher Course in Disaster Management (ID) (November 17 -19, 2014) 25
38 Orientation Programme on Disaster Management (October 27, 2014) 25
39 Training Programme on Basic Skill Development for Effective Resonse to Disasters (May 1-3, 2014) 24
40 Training Programme on Earthquake & Landslide Management (April 28-30, 2014) 24
41 Training Programme on Flood Management and Mitigation (October 27-31, 2014) 24
42 Training Programme on Flood Risk Mitigation and Management (November 19-21, 2014) 23
43 Training Programme on Disaster Safe Hill Area Development (June 23-27, 2014) 23
44 Training Programme on Gender and Disaster Management (January 19-23, 2015) 23
45 Training Programme on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (October 27-31, 2014) 23
46 Training Programme on Crowd Management (March 16-18, 2015) 22
47 Training Programme on City Disaster Management Plan (October 15-17, 2014) 22
48 TOT on Safe Construction in flash Flood Affected Areas (July 2-6, 2014) 22
49 Training Programme on School Safety Disaster Management (June 16-20, 2014) 22
50 Training Programme on Seismic Safety Assessment of Buildings by Rapid Visual Screening (August 5-7, 2014) 21
51 Training Programme on Indian Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) (January 30, 2015) 20
52 Training Programme on Legal Framework for Disaster Management (December 10-12, 2014) 20
53 Training Programme on Gender and Disaster Management (March 16-20, 2015) 20
54 Training Programme on Forestry in Landslide Risk Management (July 7-11, 2014) 20
55 Training Programme on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Strategies for Sustainable Development Planning and Policy Instruments (August 21-22, 2014) 20
56 Training Programme on Seismic Safety Assessment of Buildings by Rapid Visual Survey (TOT) (April 28- May 2, 2014) 19
57 Training Programme on Disaster Psycho Social Care in Collaboration with NIMHANS, Bangaloe (August 25-29, 2014) 18
58 TOT for Creation of Culture of Safety through knowledge and Education (December 15-19, 2014) 18
59 Orientation Programme on Disaster Management for Participants of APPPA (December 26, 2014) 17
60 TOT Programme on Re-examining Disaster Reporting Principles for Senior Level Journalists, PIOs and PROs (September 24-26, 2014) 17
61 Training Programme on Forestry in Disaster Management (June 9-13, 2014) 17
62 Training Programme on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (Ref. to Coastal Zone Mgt.) (December 15-17, 2014) 17
63 TOT on Formulation of Village Disaster Management Plan (August 4-8, 2014) 16
64 TOT on IRS- Planning Section Chief Course (January 12-16, 2015) 16
65 One Day Regional Training Programme on India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) (May 23, 2014) 16
66 TOT Programme on School Safety for Teachers (August 25-29, 2014) 16
67 Training Programme on Preparation of City Disaster Management Plan (December 3-5, 2014) 15
68 Training Programme on Forestry in Livelihood in Climate Change Adapatation (with Spl. Reference to Uttarakhand disaster 2013) (February 9-13, 2015) 13
69 TOT on IRS - IC (September 8-9, 2014) 13
70 TOT on IRS - Operation Section Chief (September 10-12, 2014) 13
71 TOT Programme on School Safety Disaster Management Plan (October 13-15, 2014) 12
72 TOT on Basic of Disaster Management (December 8-12, 2014) 12
73 Training Programme on Forest Fire Mitigation and Management (October 13-17, 2014) 10
74 TOT for Mainstreaming DRR & CCA into Rural Developmental Policies and Programmes (August 4-8, 2014) 8
TOTAL 1932

Note : The Trainee Database is in beta state and still under updation. While all efforts have been made to make this website as authentic as possible, the NIDM or NIC will not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by any shortcoming, defect or inaccuracy in the information available on website.The output will open in new window and take some time depending upon your internet connection.