India Universities and Institutions Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (IUIN-DRR)

Agenda 6 from Prime Minister's 10-point agenda on DRR

National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government Of India

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India Universities and Institutions Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (IUIN-DRR)

India is experiencing an average annual estimated economic loss of $9.8 billion out of which more than $7 billion is due to floods (GAR 2015 ) which is a recurring phenomenon in most of the states in the country. One of the key drivers behind such increasing economic loss due to disasters is lack of knowledge about hazards and access to risk information, which is essential to undertake any risk reduction action. Also there is a continuous accumulation of newer risks due to increasing exposure to hazards resulting from risk insensitive planning mechanism, ecosystem degradation, population growth and poverty. The risks induced by climate change are adding a further new dimension to the existing disaster risk profile of India.

Although there is uncertainty regarding the impacts of climate change, yet change in average climate conditions and variability are visible, and extreme climate events are being experienced annually in recent past resulting in aggravation in economic loss and devastation. The growing economy in India also results in high investment for infrastructure development, industries and other revenue generating sectors and businesses. Rarely these investment decisions take hazard exposure into account thereby increasing the exposure of economic assets to various kinds of natural and human induced hazards.

The 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Ulaanbaatar reiterated the need to incorporate disaster risk reduction education at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and professional training. Partnering with Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Universities and other science and technology communities have been envisioned for promoting innovative technology and research, facilitate capacity development, and contribute to decision-making for addressing local risks and the needs of the most vulnerable. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has given 10 point agenda on disaster risk reduction. Agenda 6 of the PM 10 point agenda also emphasizes on developing a network of Universities to work on disaster issues.

In order to address capacity, skill and knowledge gap, the Agenda 6 stresses on the need to “Develop a network of universities to work on disaster issues in India”. Furthermore, the Agenda 6 envisions enhancing global & regional level actions under Priority 1 (d) in order “To promote common efforts in partnership with the scientific and technological community, academia and the private sector to establish, disseminate and share good practices internationally”.

Importantly, the National Disaster Management Plan (2019), which is aligned with the Sendai Framework for DRR, highlights the vital role of education and the integration of DRR into curricula at various levels, besides outlining the role of universities as technical resource centres.

By year 2030 country is committed to reduce the disaster impact on life and property to its minimum and hence given its global commitment for achieving the set targets and goals of Sendai Framework by 2030. It’s a huge task to be achieved in a very short period of time by building a sustainable system. This is possible only when we build partnerships with different stakeholders and synergize our efforts. Universities and Institutes can play a major role in shifting the narratives for disaster risk reduction for the future by its education, research, debates, dialogue and policy advocacy.

Universities are the place where all the disciplines are studied and researched. In India there are approximately 903 Universities and 39050 colleges. Out of the total number of universities in India 882 Universities are privately managed. 15 Universities are exclusively for women. It has been seen that out of these Universities almost 27 have been actively involved in disaster management field in terms of running courses of various durations.

In India there are approximately 10011 stand alone Institutions, which are engaged in capacity building and research activities. It has been seen that out of these Institutions almost 23 have been actively involved in disaster management field in terms of running courses of various durations.

Engagement and involvement of research based organizations such as Universities and other such institutions is imperative. Globally also many such networks exist such as Academic Network for Disaster Resilience in Europe (ANDROID), Asian University Network of Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM), Africa University Network (PERIPERI), Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), ASEAN University Network (AUN) and ASEA-UNINET. Countries like Bangladesh and United Kingdom have already have their National University Networks. Indian Universities and Institutions are also well equipped in carrying out research par excellence and can help in creating knowledge base in the field of disaster management and risk reduction.

To address the commitment of India and keeping the importance of Universities and Institutions, India Universities and Institutions Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (IUIN-DRR) is being established by NIDM. In this network, besides NIDM, several esteemed Universities and Institutions will come together to share knowledge, resources related to disaster risk management amongst themselves and to the larger group of stakeholders working on DRR. This Network will also have representations from University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education and Association of Indian Universities.

Vision & Objectives

Vision of the IUIN-DRR is to build nation and communities safe and resilient to disasters, through education, knowledge creation, research, technology and dissemination.


  1. To enhance recognition of the vital role of universities in implementation-oriented education and research in disaster risk reduction and related field
  2. To provide a platform for interface between academia and policy across the country in different states
  3. To enhance the growth of young professionals and practitioners in disaster risk reduction
  4. To document, develop and disseminate knowledge products in the field of disaster risk reduction
  5. To share and work together (bilaterally or multilaterally) in promoting disaster risk reduction in higher education (focusing on, but not restricted to, post-graduate education)
  6. To collaborate on field-based and policy oriented research focusing on different aspects of disaster risk reduction and related fields
  7. To broaden the scope of education and learning in disaster risk reduction field through collaboration with diverse stakeholders including NGOs, private sectors, media and local governments
  8. To provide a forum for consultation, information sharing and cooperation among universities on matters and themes of common interest


To promote effective partnerships among universities across the country, in specific, and all regions of the world, in general, through education, research, dialogue, forum, project implementation, conferences and publications

To generate, collect, coordinate and disseminate information to people, governments, intergovernmental and non-government organizations and international and bilateral agencies

To facilitate and coordinate national and international advocacy on issues of major concern to IUINDRR-NIDM and its member organizations

To facilitate the establishment and strengthening of national professional councils and societies or other groupings of universities and research organizations with views similar to that of IUINDRR-NIDM

To maintain liaison with the national, state and local level designated body engaged in DRR

To organize meetings, forums and conferences to meet the objectives of the network


The following organizations can be members of the IUNDRR-NIDM:

  1. National and International Universities / institutes conducting education/research and extension programs in disaster risk reduction and climate change.
  2. Individual which includes young scientists and professionals working in the field of disaster risk reduction- (to be opened at later stage)
  3. The membership will be initially open to selected/ select organizations as determined by the Executive Committee.
  4. Universities/ Institutions engaged in disaster risk reduction and climate change activities based on the criteria to be decided separately.
  5. Member universities retain their autonomy, including the right of withdrawal from the network. The Executive Committee shall decide the membership of the network. Each member university needs to submit a signed membership note with a validity of three years, along with the name of the focal person for the network. The Executive Committee can invite universities to become members.

New Membership

  • A university seeking membership of IUINDRR-NIDM shall submit its request letter to the IUINDRR-NIDM Secretariat, NIDM with information on its activities related to the network objectives. The Executive Committee will decide on the inclusion of new members.


  1. A university or research organization that wishes to participate in, or benefit from, IUINDRR-NIDM activities, but because of constitutional constraints or reasons of principles cannot be a member, may apply for an Observer Status. The Executive Director, NIDM shall decide on such application(s), based on the recommendation from the Executive Committee.
  2. Governments, intergovernmental organizations, UN, civil societies, NGO networks and other official bodies similarly interested may be invited by the Secretariat to send official observers to the meetings of General Assembly after due recommendation by the Executive Committee and approval by the Executive Director, NIDM.

Membership Fees

  • At present, there is no membership fee. Fees, if any, will be reviewed at later stage (after one year).

Termination of Membership

  • The membership of a university/ institute may be suspended for good and sufficient reasons by the recommendation of Executive Committee and the decision of Executive Director, NIDM.

Executive Committee

  1. An Executive Committee will have a maximum of 15 members. It will be headed by ED, NIDM. One Faculty member and Secretary (Programme Director) of the Secretariat from NIDM will be part of this committee. Other members will include one each of sufficient seniority from UGC, AICTE and AIU. The remaining two to three members of high credentials and established professionals and academia will be nominated/ invited. The Committee will also have one member each, from amongst the members of the Network, representing 6 different regions of the country.
  2. Representatives from International organizations/ agencies can be invited to the Executive Committee meetings based on needs and relevance. Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for a maximum period of two consecutive terms, each term consists of 2 years. Every two years not more than one-third of the members of the Committee could change so as to ensure continuity.
  3. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every quarter, which may be held face to face or through appropriate communication media. The Executive Committee is free to co-opt members and also may utilize the services of specialists and advisors and may participate in an advisory capacity in the meetings of the Executive Committee, without vote.
  4. In the event that a member university elected to the Executive Committee by the General body decides not to serve on it, or subsequently resigns, the Executive Committee has the power to co-opt an additional member university/ Institute to fill such vacancy.

Functions of the Secretariat

The Secretariat will be housed at NIDM and supported by NIDM. The Secretariat will work under the direction of the Executive Director, NIDM. It will be led and managed by the Programme Director, who will be ex-officio member secretary of Executive Committee and will be directly reporting to the Executive Director, NIDM.

The roles and responsibilities of the Secretariat are:

  1. To work with the Executive Committee and member agencies to achieve the purposes of the network.
  2. To facilitate organizing the General Assembly.
  3. To facilitate the formulation of and implement with the authorization of the Executive Committee, policies, programmes and priorities identified by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and other IUIN-DRR bodies, where appropriate.
  4. To help define issues and recommend priorities in consultation with the membership on concerns that may warrant the attention/action of network’s constituent bodies;
  5. To propose specific activities to the Executive Committee;
  6. As and when applicable, to manage the programs and finance of the network and report regularly to the Committee on Finance and Administration and Executive Committee;
  7. To liaise and, when authorized by the Executive Committee, represent the Council with relevant governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as appropriate in achieving network goals;
  8. To facilitate and service the constituent IUIN-DRR bodies and other network meetings;
  9. To provide services to members and other organizations as authorized by the Executive Committee;
  10. To develop publications and outreach materials with its member universities;
  11. To host the website and update the information contained therein; and
  12. To promote membership of the network

Amendments of Statutes

The Statutes may be amended in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. A proposal for amendment may be submitted in writing to the Secretariat, either by a member of IUINDRR-NIDM or by the Executive Committee, at least thirty days prior to any meeting of the General Assembly. General Assembly will be announced with at least 60 days prior notice;
  2. Proposed amendments shall be accepted and recommended for adoption by the members present. However, final authority of adoption of such proposals lies with the Executive Director, NIDM;
  3. Amendments so adopted and approved by Executive Director NIDM will enter into effect at the close of that General Assembly.

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